Sunday, January 16, 2011

Near Disaster

Actually, it still may go bad.

After pouring the first batch (the one with the Cascade at 10 mins), I was flying high, as everything was going swimmingly.  When the second batch (Simcoe at 15) had cooled, I grabbed the second fermenter, which is the new one, and began to strain in the wort.  That's when I noticed a small drop of liquid near the tap.  The faucet has a split.  I'm not really sure if I broke it when I was putting it together, or if it was broken when I bought it.

THANK GOD I bought that glass jug, huh?  I was able to sanitize the jug and its stopper, along with a small funnel, and transfer most of the wort into that to ferment.  I had to toss some of the wort, since I need some room at the top for gas to collect, but I'm not too could have been worse.

I'm still a little concerned with the possibility of infection and/or blowoff problems (like the jug exploding or blowing out the airlock), but I figure I'll take things as they come.  In the meantime, I guess I'll have to go and get a new tap.

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