Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Come On In, the Porter's Fine!

It looks like the beer I started these experiments, the Robust Porter, has reached the levels of flavor, aroma, and overall character that I was looking for.  It took 4 batches, and there still may be some minor tweaks to increase head retention, mouthfeel, and yeast character, but these are all process-driven things that can be worked out as I switch to brewing on the larger system.

The beer pours black with a ruby highlight, building a thin tan head that dissipates shortly after the first few sips.  The aroma is all roast, beautiful, beautiful roast with a VERY mild hint of chocolate.  The flavor is roast-forward with notes of dark chocolate and a dry finish.  The sharpness and harshness on the tongue are gone, but for a slight "burnt toast" note, which is pleasant and welcome in the beer.

I would still like my brewing partner to give it a shot before I make a final decision, but methinks I may be drinking this one out of a 5 gallon keg pretty damn soon.  I'll also use one or two of the bottles I have chilling to try out some adjunct flavors, such as coffee and bourbon, to see what happens.

The IPA is the next tasting, and the Brown is the next brew.

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