Sunday, May 13, 2012

Almost Forgot!

The bubbling sound that I caught during a break in the audio of the Kings/Coyotes game reminded me That I hadn't yet posted for yesterday's batch.  Its probably the most simple recipe in my plans so far; just a pound of 2-row, a pound of wheat, and 0.3oz of Tettnang hops at the beginning of the boil.

I mashed at a lower temperature to try and thin out the mouthfeel since I'm planning on making this a Summer beer.  This is the first time I've tried a temp other than 152F because I'm not really fond of thinner beers, but I don't think I'll mind it in a hot weather brew...hell, I may not even notice.

There was a decrease in efficiency this time, only about 63% in the mash...the inconsistency in that area is getting annoying.  I may need to bring in some outside help to review my process and give me some ideas.

The fermentation took off pretty quickly, and has been the most active so far.  I always use a blow-off tube to prevent any overflow, and this is the first time anything has made it up the tube and into the overflow vessel.

My wife's birthday is next weekend, so I'm not sure I'll be able to get away with a brew until sometime during the week.  I haven't yet decided which of the experiments I want to try out.  I was inspired by the best Brown Ale I have ever tasted, Voodoo Brewing Company's Wynona's Big Brown Ale, to maybe try the Brown, but for simplicity's sake, I could also do the Pale, which is a simple Single-Malt-and-Single-Hop (SMaSH) beer, and a bit more seasonally appropriate.  I may just decide when I figure out how much time I have, since the homebrew store closest to me uses an analog scale for grain measurements, thus making the easier Pale a better choice.

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