Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brew Day 1: Cascading Deliciousness.

Batch #1 is in the fermenter!  I made a few little procedural mistakes, mostly in timing things properly so everything flowed smoothly, but nothing that will effect the experiment.  The Malt extract caused an almost immediate near boil-over.  I was able to stop it before it went over the edge, but it was close.  Next time I'll need to turn the heat down a little.  Using high heat to bring the water to a boil and then turning down the heat to medium or medium-high to maintain the boil might work pretty well.  I've actually heard of home brewers who take the pot off the heat while adding the extract.  I might try that too.

Here is what the brew looked like:

  • 20 c Pocono Springs bottled water brought to rolling boil. 2 c then removed to measuring cup for  yeast starter and miscellaneous purposes.  The additional extra 2 c were to make up for boil-off.
  • 1 lb LD Carlson brand Briess DME (This will remain constant throughout the hops testing) stirred into pot.
  • Wort brought back to boil, and .20 oz (1.46 AAU) Cascade hop pellets added.  60 minute timer started.
  • At 45 minute mark (15 min left in boil) .20 oz (1.46 AAU) Cascade hop pellets added to boil.
  • At 55 minute mark (5 min left in boil) .20 oz (1.46 AAU) Cascade hop pellets added to boil
  • At 60 minute mark, brew pot is removed, covered, and placed in freezer to cool.
  • When wort reads 70 degrees F, wort transferred to fermenter, and 5.75 g Fermentis brand Safale us-05 (This will remain constant throughout the hops testing) in 1/2 c starter with 1 sugar cube also added to fermenter.
  • Fermenter closed and shaken for 1 min.

So that's it.  I will check it tomorrow night to see if there's activity in the airlock.  If I can figure it out, I may post a video.  Can't wait to bottle this...can't wait to sample it either.

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